
Ask The Online Reviews Of A New Tex-Mex Restaurant

Dear The Online Reviews Of A New Tex-Mex Restaurant,

For the past six weeks, my husband and I have been remodeling our master bathroom, and we’re totally stuck on which shower tiles to pick. No matter how much we discuss it, we can’t seem to agree on anything! How can we find a compromise that’ll make both of us happy?

—Remodeling in Reno

Dear Remodeling,

★★★☆☆ Decent cheap Texmex

I like to hit up Agave from time to time coz its pretty cheap and close to my apt…..nice option for the price if youre into tex Mex food….and BUrrtios are solid although not “the best” as my downstairs neighbor claims….won’t change your life or anything but it certainly gets the job done! especially if you just want to grab a bite and some drinks with friends…..plus stays open late on weekends too which is pretty nice…Also free refills on chips and salsa and $4 margs on teusdays.

Dear The Online Reviews Of A New Tex-Mex Restaurant,

I’ve been in a relationship with a coworker (I know—bad idea) for the past month or so, and while things were great at first, they are quickly becoming not-so-great. To make matters worse, I recently found out that this particular gentleman tends to hold grudges against women who break up with him. I don’t want to have to quit my job because of a stupid mistake. How do I end this?

—Panicking in Petaluma

Dear Panicking,


I’m sorry, but since nobody else is mentioning it I have to just say: where is the frickin hot sauce bottle on the tables?! I went to Agave with my boyfriend who is from Texas and when he saw that there was only one sauce (or, as it’s called in Texas, SALSA) bottle on the table and it was medium-spicy you should of seen the look on his face, he couldn’t believe it. He was like “uh, have these people ever HAD Tex Mex before? You have to have multiple hot sauce bottles on the table or its just not Tex mex.” Most of the dishes were spicy enough already and didnt really need extra hot sauce but come on, it doesn’t matter because trust me, my boyfriend has been to LOTS of authentic Tex Mex places and so have I and there should be extra hot sauce bottles on the table, ALWAYS!!! We eventually asked for some and they gave them to us, but we shouldn’t even of had to ask because it should just be there. When the waiter comes to your table and sees that there is only one hot sauce bottle on your table and it’s medium-spicy he should make a MENTAL NOTE in his head to bring another bottle of hot sauce to your table when he brings your food. Or he should just grab one for us from an empty table, because it shouldn’t have to be our responsibility to get up and go to another table and grab one ourselves. ARGH!! Why is that so hard?? My boyfriend and I have been to literally dozens of Tex Mex places together, and he’s from Texas, so this kind of thing we take really personally and they need to rectify it.

Overall awesome, cheap food though.

Dear The Online Reviews Of A New Tex-Mex Restaurant,

My teenaged son plays his Xbox 360 all the time. The problem is my elderly mom is visiting from out of state and her health is not very good, so this might be the last time we all spend quality time with her. I’m afraid that instead of being with her, my son will just lock himself in his room playing his games. We’ve tried to take the Xbox away in the past but he always somehow finds it in our closet and is playing it again that same night. What should we do?

—Frustrated in Fairbanks

Dear Frustrated,

★★★★☆ Perfect Restaurant

I am from the neighborhood and have been looking for a great Tex-Mex place with good prices and now I have found that place: Agave! It’s the best Tex-Mex in the city, in my opinion. You can tell the owner, Carlos, is a good family man who takes care of his employees like they are his family and always has a nice smile for the people who enter his restaurant. He obviously works hard to make his restaurant the best it can be and it shows because the food there is so excellent and a great value. Not like El Pollo Suave which I’ve heard people say is owned by a Cuban and is not as good a restaurant. But Carlos clearly puts everything he has into his business, and all the food is prepared with love, so it deserves to have more customers. So if you love this family restaurant as much as I do why not vote for them in Green Bay’s best restaurant poll? Also, I here they have “Margarita Tuesdays” where there will soon be raffles, prizes, and more, like gift certificates and even a mountain bike! Go to Agave!

Dear The Online Reviews Of A New Tex-Mex Restaurant,

I don’t have a question, but I would like to request that you reprint your advice for helping mothers communicate with their daughters. I thought it was just perfect! Thank you!

—Hopeful in Harrisburg

Dear Hopeful,

★☆☆☆☆ The horror, the horror…

I have to say, I was shocked by the poor level of quality to be found at the rather underwhelming Tex-Mex establishment Agave in Green Bay’s otherwise charming downtown. Leather-dry flautas lay uneasily beside rubbery chili con carne of dubious esteem, as a faint odor of burnt cumin lingers heavily in the loud-music-infused air. When one thinks of fajitas, one imagines succulent strips of grilled meat, succulent glossy vegetables, and steamy, snow-white sheets of tortillas flowing together in a mélange of delicate and supple flavors. The fajitas at Agave, unfortunately, were a different story: an abnormal admixture of soggy and stale ingredients lacking the freshness and exotic vitality ones seeks out when the first pangs of hunger make themselves known. It was the late Samuel Johnson who uttered that “A man seldom thinks with more earnestness of anything than he does of his dinner.” Sadly, Mr. Johnson, sir, I would just as soon not think about Agave’s paltry offerings for as long as I live, so little was I inspired by them.