Area Man Has Some Pretty Shitty Mob Ties

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—Despite local contractor Danny Polazza’s frequent claims that “he knows a few guys,” friends confirmed Monday that the 42-year-old’s ties to the Mafia are actually pretty shitty. “He’s always using this really knowing voice to ask us if there’s anything we need—’anything at all’—but the most impressive thing he’s ever come through with is tickets to a semi-pro hockey match,” said Ryan Lambert, who grew up with Polazza and once received a free case of Vitamin Water from him. “Sometimes he’ll show up with these calzones that are really delicious, but I’m pretty sure he pays for those out of his own pocket.” Reached for comment, Polazza told reporters that if they kept their mouths shut and didn’t ask too many questions, he could get them backstage during New Brunswick High School’s spring production of Pippin.