
Antimicrobials May Compromise Immune System

Researchers at the University of Michigan School of Public Health found that young people with high levels of triclosan, an antimicrobial agent commonly found in soaps, were at greater risk for allergies. What do you think?

Cindy Davis  • Systems Analyst

“Oh, please! You don’t have to tell me what triclosan is. I’m an excellent mother, and as soon as my boy turns 18 and can walk on the street without me, he’ll say the same. DON’T TOUCH THAT, MATT. Excuse me, I have to take my boy to the hospital.”

Cindy Davis • Systems Analyst

Lou Ketcham • Cashier

“Which antimicrobial agent am I supposed to use, if not triclosan? Chloroxylenol? Give me a break.”

Lou Ketcham • Cashier

Ronny Waterson • Unemployed

“Clearly, I don’t use soap. Looks like ol’ Ronny is skatin’ by once again!”

Ronny Waterson • Unemployed