
Anti-Smoking Drugs May Induce Suicide

The Food and Drug Administration ordered “black box” warnings be placed on two popular smoking-cessation drugs after numerous reports from users of depression, and even suicidal thoughts. What do you think?

Kelly Crotte • Unemployed

“Really? Whenever I’ve tried to quit smoking my thoughts have always been distinctly homicidal, not suicidal.”

Kelly Crotte • Unemployed

Dave Tyler • Systems Analyst

“How about that. Yet another thing that I, a person who is too smart to ever have picked up such a filthy habit, can lord over those disgusting smokers.”

Dave Tyler • Systems Analyst

Kevin Carley • Librarian

“That’s weird, because Prozac makes me want to smoke. And Pepto-Bismol makes me want to shoplift. Agh! Medicine!”

Kevin Carley • Librarian