
Americans Marrying Later

Census Bureau figures for 2003 show that Americans are getting married later, with the average age for a first marriage having risen to 26. What do you think?

Dale Steele • Systems Analyst

“Oh, great. First my grandmother starts pestering me about not being married, then my parents, and now the national media.”

Dale Steele • Systems Analyst

Lois Halverson • Real Estate Clerk

“Thank God there’s a greater trend I can look to when I ponder my lonely, loveless existence in the midnight hour.”

Lois Halverson • Real Estate Clerk

Curtis Fuller • Salesperson

“I don’t have to worry about marriage at this point in my life. Paying child support for three kids is stressful enough as it is.”

Curtis Fuller • Salesperson

Ruby Turpin • Auditor

“It’s because of the sluggish economy. It’s harder to get a dowry together these days.”

Ruby Turpin • Auditor

Marvin Watts • Robotics Technician

“Christ. Get ready for some of the bitterest-looking bridesmaids in history.”

Marvin Watts • Robotics Technician

Glen Powers • Home Health Aide

“My folks got married at 17. They were also cousins. Let me know when you have your tape recorder ready.”

Glen Powers • Home Health Aide