Albert's Choice

The Democratic National Convention is underway, and much of the focus is on Al Gore’s running mate, Joseph Lieberman, an Orthodox Jew. What do you think of the prospect of a Jewish vice-president?

“It’s hard to imagine the possibility of a Jew in a position of power and influence.”

Danielle Sisler • Dental Hygienist

“Aren’t we all jumping to conclusions here? Just because his name is Lieberman doesn’t mean he’s Jewish.”

Sarah Slocombe • Librarian

“If the Jews want one of their own in the White House, why are they going through all these non-devious, above-ground channels?”

Nate Robinson • Systems Analyst

“A Jew in the White House? He’s gonna start passing all sorts of crazy measures, like, ’The American people should eat something, already.’”

Paul Zygmund • Locksmith

“So instead of just Jew York, we gonna have Jew everything? Jew Mexico, Jew Orleans, and Jewisville, Kiketucky? And I ain’t bass fishin’ on no Lake Jewperior.”

Bob MacTaggart • Roofer

“I got nothin’ against the Jews, but let me put it this way: Would you want

Frederick Hutch • Airline Pilot