
Airline Passenger Complaints Up Sharply

According to data from the Department of Transportation, the number of passenger complaints about airline travel soared 20 percent in 2012, with United earning the title of the most complained-about airline. What do you think?

Wayne Lemmon • Buckle Gluer

“As the talkative guy eating a tuna salad sandwich next to you, I’m largely to blame for this report.”

Wayne Lemmon • Buckle Gluer

Brooke Cochran • Electrode Cleaner

“Why are these people complaining to the Department of Transportation when there’s a perfectly good flight attendant on the plane they could scream at right there?”

Brooke Cochran • Electrode Cleaner

Dirk Osterberg • Systems Analyst

“These people need to relax, open up the latest issue of

Dirk Osterberg • Systems Analyst