
Airbnb Unveils New Anti-Discrimination Policy

In response to widespread complaints that hosts tend to favor white users’ lodging requests, booking website Airbnb unveiled a new anti-discrimination policy that aims to keep hosts from selecting guests based on race. What do you think?

Jeffrey Tipton • Sauce Mixer

“I guess I’ll just have to be twice as racist while they’re here, then.”

Jeffrey Tipton • Sauce Mixer

Greg Nadelberg • Sweepstakes Participant

“When will people wake up and realize there is absolutely no connection between the color of a person’s skin and the likelihood they’ll piss in your plants?”

Greg Nadelberg • Sweepstakes Participant

Charity Jones • Ferret Breeder

“I can only hope my white privilege still means something over on Craigslist.”

Charity Jones • Ferret Breeder