

Last week, both the Teamsters and the SEIU bolted from the AFL-CIO, a bad sign for American organized labor. What do you think?

Diane Black • Cardiologist

“This is a sad day for organized crime—

Diane Black • Cardiologist

Steven Watson • Real-Estate Appraiser

“I’m reserving my judgment until I know what side Springsteen’s on.

Steven Watson • Real-Estate Appraiser

Jody Soares • Systems Analyst

“Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but those incredibly tacky gold chains you wear.”

Jody Soares • Systems Analyst

Jesse Pearson • Short-Order Cook

“’Boo-hoo… I’m all alone… People are leaving me all alone. Boo-hoo. I’m the AFL-CIO. Boo-hoo.’ Grow up!”

Jesse Pearson • Short-Order Cook

Kenneth Trapp • Investment Banker

“Wait a second… Didn’t Reagan end organized labor?”

Kenneth Trapp • Investment Banker

Jeffrey Courson • Truck Dispatcher

“All’s I know is, somebody’s gotta drive this here pickle truck to Secaucus, and it ain’t gonna be me.”

Jeffrey Courson • Truck Dispatcher