
Abortion: Myth Vs. Fact

As more and more cases of abortion restriction make their way to higher courts, pro-life and pro-choice defenders continue their longstanding battle on the national stage. The Onion reviews some common myths about the practice

Myth: Clinics that perform the procedure can be difficult to locate in many areas of the country

Fact: Hordes of screaming, bigoted protesters locate them just fine

Myth: The abortion rate in the United States is higher than ever before

Fact: It is possible for people to lie on the internet

Myth: If a woman doesn’t want to have a baby, she should use contraception, plain and simple

Fact: Actually, no, we’d really prefer depriving all women of that too

Myth: Abortion providers are in it to get rich

Fact: Those boom days are long gone

Myth: Women who have abortions are sure to be traumatized

Fact: Women who have abortions are sure to be stigmatized

Myth: Thanks to the ruling in Roe v. Wade, abortion has been permissible in the United States since 1973

Fact: The Supreme Court has no authority over the divine mandate of Heaven

Myth: The ubiquity of Planned Parenthood clinics means women are having sex without fear of the consequences

Fact: Plenty of other societal structures prevent women from freely enjoying sex

Myth: Abortion is an imperfect practice that often puts women in danger

Fact: The democratic process is an imperfect practice that often puts women in danger