Abolish The Electoral College?

In light of the havoc it has wreaked this presidential election, many Americans are calling for an end to the electoral college. What do you think?

“No, we should not stop using the electoral college. We also should not stop spinning our own flax.”

Irene Costa • Reference Librarian

“We must keep the electoral college. Without it, last night’s

Reggie Ennis • Cashier

“The electoral-college system was designed to protect our nation from the ignorance of its people. And, based on the 2000 vote, it’s still dearly needed.”

Manny Blake • Systems Analyst

“I’m all for getting rid of the electoral college, but wouldn’t that mean we’d have to dig up Samuel J. Tilden and make him president retroactively?”

Tom Kallen • Optometrist

“This election mess confirms what I’ve been saying for years: Our nation should be split into warring factions, each ruled by a warlord who receives messages from God.”

Matt Funk • Cab Dispatcher

“The presidency should go to the candidate who earns the larger minority of the popular vote.”

Liz Lowery • Sales Clerk