
A Female Dolphin President?

Sen. E’eek Finback (D-AO) has already emerged as a frontrunner for the 2057 Democratic presidential nomination, but some say America isn’t ready for a female dolphin in the White House. What do you think?

Jim Hansen Prime • Meta-metallurgist

“I have nothing but respect for members of the Delphinidae family, but a female dolphin’s place is in the sea, raising her calves.”

Jim Hansen Prime • Meta-metallurgist

Sol Gundam • Gay-Divorce Lawyer

“Sen. Finback has nothing new to add to the national discourse. Frankly, she’s just blowing hot air and saltwater mist.”

Sol Gundam • Gay-Divorce Lawyer

Edwin Gaines • Syndicator

“Well, former president Koko has already signed off on her, saying, ’Dolphin yes woman good give banana now dolphin yes.’”

Edwin Gaines • Syndicator

Tammy Lester • DNA Archivist

“Do you think E’eek would be doing so well if she were a squat-bodied Pacific white-side dolphin instead of a cute bottlenose? I seriously doubt it.”

Tammy Lester • DNA Archivist

Jim Hansen II • Hypermarketer

“I find her background inspiring. Do you know she was caught in a tuna net at the age of six months, only to graduate magna cum laude from Harvard Law School 12 years later?”

Jim Hansen II • Hypermarketer

P. Wiggles • Systems Analyst

“Tk-tkk-tk-tkik-tik! USA! USA! USA! Tk-tik-tkkk!”

P. Wiggles • Systems Analyst