Sulking Trump Totally Unable To Enjoy Advanced Screening Of ‘Bad Boys: Ride Or Die’

PALM BEACH, FL—Finding his mind was simply elsewhere, a sulking Donald Trump was totally unable to enjoy an advanced screening of Bad Boys: Ride or Die, sources close to the former president confirmed Friday. According to reports, the 45th president’s voice was flat and barely audible as he halfheartedly muttered, “Go get ’em, bad boys,” and then sighed, slouching back in his plush reclining chair and staring at a fixed point on the screen as the one hour and 55 minute high-octane buddy cop comedy starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence played. The now-convicted Trump was reportedly so distraught he barely touched his popcorn, bothering only to pick up a piece, stick it in his mouth, and suck all the butter off before spitting it back into the bowl. At press time, Trump was reportedly still sitting in the darkness in his home theater 10 minutes after the credits had rolled.