Everything Chicago Is Doing Ahead Of The DNC

Chicago is hosting the 2024 Democratic National Convention in August. The Onion examines everything the city is doing ahead of the DNC.

More Police: If this doesn’t work, the city will go with its backup plan of even more police.

Power-Washing Lake Michigan: Hundreds of city employees are scrubbing grime and graffiti to have the body of water squeaky clean by August.

Funneling $25 Million Into An Alderman’s Wife’s Flower Shop: Tasteful floral arrangements are the backbone of any successful political convention.

Nothing: Look, everyone has a lot on their plate these days. Chicago thinks it’s cool the DNC is coming to hang out, but don’t expect a red-carpet rollout.

Remove The Italian Beef Stains On All Chicago Flags: Since the city wasn’t expecting out-of-town guests for a while, the city is scrambling with Tide to Gos to clean up all the Italian Beef juice stains from the city flags.

Constructing Olympic Village: Someone fucked up and thought the Olympics were coming to Chicago, and now the city has to demolish its brand-new housing complex.

Give The Convention Floor A Once-Over With The Zamboni: Delegates need to skate on smooth, even ice.

Ordering 5 Large Pizzas: Three will be pepperoni and two will be cheese, for the vegetarian attendees.

Sending Lori Lightfoot On An All-Expenses Paid Cruise To The Bahamas: DNC leaders thought it would be best to have the eccentric former mayor as far from the convention as possible.

Dyeing The Chicago River: In honor of President Biden, the water will be turned milky beige.