Aunts, Marble Potholes, And The Gates Of Hell: This Week In Local News January 6, 2024

Nation’s Aunts Announce It Must Be Nice Not Having To Worry About Money Like The Rest Of Us

The Onion

Dad Accidentally Opens Up Gates Of Hell After Attempting To Fix Sink Himself

The Onion

Intern Off To A Weird Start

The Onion

Everyone Laughing At Thing Man Can’t Change About Himself

The Onion

Employee Barely Even Remembers Dead Mom After Taking Company’s One-Week Bereavement

The Onion

Man Creates Account On For Faster Checkout Next Time

The Onion

Man Wishes Someone Else Was Around To Taste How Good His English Muffin Pizzas Turned Out

The Onion

Potholes In Nice Part Of Town Filled With Italian Marble

The Onion

Child’s Diary Completely Devoid Of Any Useful Dirt On Other Parent

The Onion

You Don’t Have To Buy This House, Just Talk To Me

The Onion