Intrusive Memories, Crying Dads, And Colostomy Bags: This Week In Local News December 16, 2023

Cool Guy Kept Up All Night By Intrusive Memories Of All The Times He Was Awesome

The Onion

White Man Can’t Help But Feel Like Spanish Music Playing In Department Store Is Talking About Him

The Onion

Single Aunt’s Cheeky Request For Boyfriend For Christmas Growing More And More Depressing With Each Passing Year

The Onion

Embarrassed Family Drags Screaming, Sobbing Dad Away From Home Depot Rake Section

The Onion

Man Wondering If Wife Ever Going To Clean Up Mess She Made Blowing Her Brains Out

The Onion

Man Has Compulsive Need To Tell Every Waiter How He Used To Be A Waiter

The Onion

Cheat Day Used On Entire Bag Of Croutons

The Onion

Woman Wonders If First Date Too Soon To Take Home Leftovers

The Onion

Whatevs House

The Onion

Child Instructed Not To Sit On Santa’s Colostomy Bag

The Onion