Biden’s Approval Rating Skyrockets After Announcing He Taking Nation To The Circus

WASHINGTON—Noting that this was exactly the boost the president needed going into the 2024 election, pollsters confirmed Tuesday that Joe Biden’s approval rating had skyrocketed after he announced he would take the nation to the circus. “As of this morning, President Biden is polling better than ever, and it’s all thanks to his recent initiative to spend a whole day with all 340 million Americans at the most magical place on earth,” said Pew Research Center fellow Richard Wheelan, adding that Biden’s numbers had surged in every demographic after he revealed the U.S. populace would get to attend a show that featured daring acrobats, jaw-dropping magic tricks, and even a real life elephant. “While Biden had been dipping in the polls recently, he rebounded significantly when he said that instead of going to work or school, every single American could come to the carnival and see the strongman ‘Amazing Presto.’ He also promised that citizens from all 50 states could eat as much popcorn, peanuts, and cotton candy as they’d like. His treat!” At press time, former President Donald Trump had surged past Biden in the polls after every American simultaneously witnessed an acrobat fall during a tightrope routine, break his neck, and die.