Woman Pushing Stroller Just Assumes Everyone Going To Move Out Of Her Way On Highway

MILWAUKEE—Striding forth with presumptuous disregard for all in her path, a local woman pushing a stroller Thursday reportedly just assumed that everyone was going to move out of her way on the interstate. “That’s so annoying—she’s on a walk with her baby, and so she thinks all the other people trying to get where they need to go ought to just swerve their cars around her and try not to crash,” said local driver Lawrence Pritchett, adding that the woman looked at him “like [he] was a maniac” when, to avoid colliding with her, he was forced to turn the wheel of his car suddenly and nearly careened into a concrete barrier on I-41. “It’s, like, yeah, I get it: You’re a mom. That’s great. But your stroller isn’t the only vehicle that needs to use this eight-lane expressway. It’s this whole attitude that, because she’s a parent with a kid, she’s more important than anyone else, who as far as she’s concerned can spin out of control and cause a 10-car pileup during rush hour. I hate it.” At press time, the woman was seen using her stroller to muscle a semitruck off a bridge and into a river.