
Mom Frustrated Son Waited To Say He Needs Halloween Costume Until Night Before His Office Party

EVANSTON, IL—Sighing with exasperation at the last-minute request, local mom Nancy Andrews expressed frustration Thursday when her son Tim Andrews waited until the night before to tell her he needed a costume for a Halloween celebration at his office. “Why didn’t you say something about this earlier—it’s been on your team’s Google calendar for weeks, hasn’t it?” the visibly aggravated mother said in response to her son’s explosive tantrum, before digging around her closet for something the 37-year-old marketing associate could wear to the party being thrown in his employer’s break room. “How about a Golden Girl? You can borrow my pearls. Oh, go try on your Spider-Man costume from last year, maybe it still fits. I don’t care if you want to be Severus Snape, mister, you should have thought about that when the mall was still open. Here, see if you fit inside this box… There! You’re a Transformer.” At press time, Andrews’ son had reportedly called her from the office crying after he showed up in costume on the wrong day.