
Billionaire Writes Name On Cup Of Adrenochrome So He Won’t Forget Which One His

NEW YORK—Carefully scrawling his name onto the red plastic surface with a Sharpie, local billionaire Mark Zuckerberg reportedly labeled his solo cup of adrenochrome Tuesday so he wouldn’t forget which one was his. “Okay, I’ll write ‘Mark Z,’ so nobody confuses me with Cuban,” said Zuckerberg, who momentarily placed his cup of the life-extending drink down on the counter in between two cups marked ‘Bill G’ and ‘Bill C.’ “I accidentally drank out of someone else’s cup of child’s blood earlier and it was so embarrassing. Charles Koch screamed at me, and Richard Branson laughed. Everyone wants to play adrenochrome pong, but I just know it won’t be the same without Epstein.” At press time, Zuckerberg had been hoisted into the air by Jim and Rob Walton to do an adrenochrome keg stand.