
NASA Announces Mars Rover Ran Into Jason Schwartzman But Didn’t Take Any Pictures Because It Didn’t Want To Be Weird

PASADENA, CA—Explaining that the agency was unable to provide direct evidence of its surprising encounter, NASA officials announced Friday that the Curiosity Rover ran into Jason Schwartzman on the surface of Mars but didn’t take any pictures because it didn’t want to be weird. “Our rover spotted the Darjeeling Limited star while exploring a crater that potentially held evidence of water, but chose to respect the privacy of Schwartzman, who was eating dinner with his family,” said NASA roboticist Meghana Chaudhary, adding that the rover initially thought the object was Jason Biggs before getting a little bit closer. “Curiosity indicated that it gave Schwartzman a wide berth to avoid bothering him. Though the rover enjoyed the most recent season of Fargo on FX, it doesn’t consider itself a Jason Schwartzman superfan or anything, so simply leaving the celebrity alone was no big deal. We here at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory did ask for some pictures, but the rover explained that if it was famous, it would get annoyed with people coming up to it for photos all the time.” At press time, the Curiosity Rover confirmed Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson sightings, so NASA assumed they must all must be in town shooting a new movie.