
Timeline Of Trump And Pence’s Volatile Political Relationship

The rocky political relationship between former President Donald Trump and his vice president, Mike Pence, has intensified as Pence seeks to distance himself from Trump ahead of a potential 2024 election challenge. The Onion looks back at the major moments in the pair’s political relationship since Trump selected Pence as his 2016 running mate.

July 2016: Trump decides best way to distract from his racism and sexism is by running with a homophobe.

August 2016: Trump and Pence cement bond upon realizing they have same favorite passage in the Book of Nehemiah.

November 2016: Election night sees the pair make friendly wager on whether their administration can destabilize the fabric of American democracy before their term ends.

March 2017: Pence briefly sent to New York Military Academy after Trump mistakes him for Barron.

January 2018: Pence begs Trump’s forgiveness after forgetting to include him in his nightly prayers.

May 2019: Melania Trump pats Pence gently on the head out of pity.

October 2020: Pence spends entirety of Trump’s bout with Covid staring silently at a blank wall.

January 2021: Relationship finally reaches breaking point when Trump suggests Pence deserves to be hanged by his neck until his life ends.

June 2022: Pence courageously lashes out at Trump with speech saying Trump was a great president.

February 2024: All of Pence’s humiliations finally pay off when he achieves lifelong dream of ending a presidential campaign after a poor showing in the Nevada primary.