
America’s Housing Crisis, By The Numbers

Rising rents, soaring home prices, and increasing homelessness have created a full-blown crisis in American housing, one with no easy solution. The Onion looks at the key facts and figures that demonstrate the scope of America’s housing crisis.

1,000: Credit score now required for first-time homebuyer to qualify for mortgage

8 million: Landlords who wish they could help but their hands are tied

$1750: For a fucking studio? Are you kidding us?

1: Listings left on Zillow map when set to actual price range

64%: Americans who would buy home in middle of train tracks if price was right

$408,100: Median sale price for single-family bounce house

0414*: Bathroom code at the Starbucks on Chestnut

15%: Amount average rent has increased since this morning

0: Days in school that covered how a mortgage works

2: Months before median tent price starts soaring