
Pregnant Woman Playing Lots Of Mozart In Hope Of Making Husband Smarter

BROOMFIELD, CO—Noting it was a critical time for development, local woman Hailey Dobson told reporters Monday she was playing lots of Mozart during her pregnancy in the hope of making her husband smarter. “I know the science is iffy, but I want to make sure I’m doing everything I possibly can,” said Dobson, who held a pair of headphones to her spouse’s ears as she monitored him for any sign he felt or heard the music. “Hmm, I can’t tell if he’s reacting to it. Even gaining a few IQ points would be major. Of course, that’s not hugely important, since I’ll love him no matter how he turns out. Still, though, wouldn’t it be exciting if he became a doctor or a lawyer one day?” At press time, Dobson was seen wiping tears from her eyes in response to her husband twitching during Piano Concerto No. 9.