
Report: 73% Of America’s Food Waste Traced To Really Messy Toddler

WASHINGTON—According to a report released Wednesday by USDA’s Economic Research Service, 73% of food waste in the United States can be traced back to one really messy toddler. “Our collected data show that almost three quarters of the 60 billion tons of food thrown out every year in this country is due to 2-year-old fussy eater Ella McGeary of Waukesha, WI,” said Anna Bornstein, lead author of the report, explaining that the $160 billion worth of food that goes uneaten in the U.S. was mostly due to one child who immediately overturns every bowl of Cheerios or banana slices she receives throughout the day. “In fact, waste has skyrocketed in the last year and a half since McGeary was introduced to solid foods. The vast majority of applesauce in this country that could have helped feed families in need is instead being flung onto walls after McGeary knocks spoon after spoon out of her mother’s hand, and 16 tons of Goldfish crackers alone are being sent to landfills annually after being swept off the floor around the toddler.” Bornstein added that serving smaller portions and praising McGeary when she is not being messy could cut down on America’s food waste by 30 billion tons per year.