
Ancient ‘Scepters’ Actually Drinking Straws For Communal Boozing, Say Researchers

New research shows that silver and gold tubes unearthed in an ancient tomb in southern Russia in 1897, long thought to be ceremonial staffs, were, in fact, the earliest-known drinking straws, used by people 5,000 years ago to sip beer from a communal jar. What do you think?

Mitch Pineño, Eye Contact Coach

“That would explain the bendy part t

Mitch Pineño, Eye Contact Coach

Aileen Mattina, Outfit Coordinator

“Gross, maybe if they didn’t share straws they’d still be around.”

Aileen Mattina, Outfit Coordinator

Oskar Dieter, Systems Analyst

“This kind of confusion is why I steer clear of cylinders altogether.”

Oskar Dieter, Systems Analyst