
Texas Moves To Ban Words ‘Beef,’ ‘Meat’ From Plant-Based Food Labels

Texas state lawmakers have approved a bill prohibiting foods that don’t contain animal products from using words like “meat” or “beef” on their labels in an effort to prevent misleading consumers. What do you think?

James Koons, Shower Caddy

“Jesus, I don’t know what I’d do if I were tricked into eating a vegetable.”

James Koons, Shower Caddy

Trevor McInnes, Seat Assigner

“Would also be helpful to add ‘food’ to labels, so I knew whether to eat it or not.”

Trevor McInnes, Seat Assigner

Natasha Haswell, Unemployed

“The last thing I want to think about while I’m eating is what’s in my food.”

Natasha Haswell, Unemployed