
‘So, Do You Play?’ Asks Girlfriend’s Little Brother, Gesturing Grandly To Ping-Pong Table

BUTLER, NJ—Removing two paddles from their cloth sheaths, Robbie, the little brother of local man Brian Feehan’s girlfriend asked the interloper ‘Do you play?’ Thursday while grandly gesturing to the ping-pong table behind them. “Are you familiar with the grand game? Perhaps we could measure ourselves man against man,” said the 10-year-old Robbie, bouncing a ping-pong ball on his paddle before driving it cleanly down the middle of the table and past Feehan. “Many of my sister’s suitors who passed through this basement have tried their hand. I’ve always found them lacking. I’ve always thought you could learn much about a person from the way they comport themselves at the ping-pong table. So what say you, shall we volley for serve?” At press time Robbie was grinning in anticipation at a worthy opponent after seeing Feehan adopt a Seemiller grip.