Woman At Breaking Point In Marriage To Give Relationship Until End Of Her Life

FORT COLLINS, CO—Counseling herself that she could only bear recurring feelings of impatience and estrangement toward her spouse for so long, Olivia McGowan told reporters Monday that after hitting her breaking point, she planned to give the relationship until the end of her life. “Honestly, I’ve gotten to the point where I can only stand being with Rob for another 40 or 50 years before I just tell him things aren’t working out,” said McGowan, noting that while she had initially brushed off the growing apathy she felt while with her husband, she now understood that she could only give him 500 or 600 chances to make amends before conceding things were finally over. “Frankly, it makes me a lot happier to have a deadline. That way, if I’m 94 and lying on my deathbed—bam, I know I’m out of this relationship. It won’t be easy, but it’ll be the right thing to do if things don’t turn around by the time I take my last breath.” At press time, a flimsy attempt at reconciliation had forced McGowan to reconsider and suggest that she would wait until her husband contracted a terminal disease to begin divorce proceedings.