
Key Swing States In The 2020 Election

As in years past, the 2020 election could come down to the nation’s undemocratic voting system, which gives a few competitive swing states the power to choose the next president. The Onion looks at the issues, demographics, and political influences that will shape how key 2020 swing states will vote.

North Carolina: Trump remains confident he can sway enough moderates to intimidate Democrats from voting.

Texas: The election could hinge on how much time and money Democrats waste here.

Michigan: Biden’s ahead in the polls but way behind in signage, so it’s hard to say.

Minnesota: With the longest-running blue streak of any state, Minnesotans might want to vote Republican this time to avoid appearing too partisan.

Pennsylvania: Oh, that’s why everyone’s talking about fracking?

Florida: A diverse but conservative-leaning state, it’s typically the U.S. Supreme Court who determines the winner.

Wisconsin: As in every election, the candidate with the most cheese in their pockets will carry Wisconsin.

Maine: Rural voters may go Republican because they’re tired of being personally lectured on how Trump is the real monster by Stephen King every time they go into town.

Iowa: Voters are terrified of what might happen if they ever stop being highly courted in presidential elections.

United States: Both President Trump and Vice President Biden have held important offices here, so it will be interesting to see which of the two candidates locals ultimately choose.