
‘That’s It, I’m Voting For Him,’ Says Undecided Voter Impressed By Poised Chris Wallace

BUCKEYE, AZ—Announcing during the presidential debate that he had made up his mind about who to support in the upcoming election, local undecided voter Alan Wills reportedly stated, “That’s it, I’m voting for him,” Tuesday after being impressed by poised moderator Chris Wallace. “That man has got my vote,” said Wills of the Fox News host, adding that Wallace seemed to have the best grasp of the issues of the three men onstage and didn’t lower himself to cheap attacks. “He seems like the only one up there who actually wants to talk seriously about things that ordinary Americans are concerned about, and he also has the right temperament for the job. When this debate started, I was definitely on the fence, but while Trump and Biden are up there bloviating, this Wallace guy is staying calm and asking good questions, plus he appears to really care about the answers. I’m voting Wallace for sure.” Wills added that he hadn’t made up his mind this early about who to vote for since the strong first-debate performance during the 2012 election by Jim Lehrer.