
Apple Announces New Watch With Rabbit-Ear Antenna That Can Pick Up 5 Local Channels

CUPERTINO, CA—Touting the product as the latest innovation in wearable technology, Apple announced Wednesday that its new smartwatch would feature a rabbit-ear antenna capable of picking up five or more television channels in the area where a user lives. “In addition to improved battery life and a blood-oxygen sensor, the Apple Watch Series 6 includes two 24-inch extendable dipole antennas that allow you to stream over-the-air broadcasts of your favorite TV shows,” said CEO Tim Cook during a keynote presentation in which he wore the new watch and demonstrated how he could adjust the rabbit ears to receive local affiliates of NBC, PBS, and The CW, as well as an independent station airing The 700 Club. “Thanks to the Apple Watch’s dual VHF and UHF capabilities, you can enjoy hit programs such as Criminal Minds, Judge Joe Brown, and TMZ Live any time they are being broadcast. It’s all right there on your wrist. And what’s more, as long as you don’t go anywhere and hold really still, the Series 6 can tune into these channels with minimal static.” Later in the presentation, Cook reportedly unveiled a deluxe, high-end version of the watch that featured wood paneling, tuning knobs, and a color display.