
Cities Nationwide Placed Under Curfews

Dozens of cities from major metropolitan areas like New York and Los Angeles to smaller population centers like Davenport, Iowa have been placed under curfew as the country enters a second week of protests against police brutality kicked off by the murder of George Floyd. What do you think?

Marsha Warburton, Exterminator’s Assistant

“Well, it certainly seems to be working.”

Marsha Warburton, Exterminator’s Assistant

Cory Serrao, Systems Analyst

“A few weeks ago, I was completely against the state restricting freedom, but my views have evolved.”

Cory Serrao, Systems Analyst

Mack Rudell, Crochet Aficionado

“Why would anyone be in a city after 5 p.m. anyways? Don’t they go home?”

Mack Rudell, Crochet Aficionado