Moderators Kick Off Debate By Asking Whether Bloomberg Ready To Get Shit Rocked Again

CHARLESTON, SC—As the televised event featuring the leading contenders for the Democratic Party presidential nomination got underway Tuesday evening, CBS moderators kicked off the debate by asking whether Michael Bloomberg was ready to get his shit rocked again. “Our first question is for Mayor Bloomberg: How will you respond to another two hours of the other nominees just completely wrecking your shit?” said CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King, citing the fact that the billionaire former New York City mayor had spent the debate six days earlier “getting absolutely bodied” and wondered whether he had a plan to prevent “a complete and total roasting” from happening again. “Mr. Bloomberg, do you believe that you prepared this time, and is it going to be enough? Because from where we’re sitting, you got ripped a new one last debate, and now you’re about to be hit from every side. Honestly, after seeing how easy it was last time, we wouldn’t be surprised if the other candidates are even better prepared to tear you apart. Tonight, the whole country is watching to see if you have any plan to avoid getting fucking hammered again. You ready?” Sources confirmed that fellow CBS moderator Norah O’Donnell then interjected and told Bloomberg that they would give him 30 seconds to run off the stage if he still wanted to save himself before it started.