
Al Franken Launching SiriusXM Talk Show

SiriusXM announced on Wednesday that former United States senator Al Franken will host a weekly left-wing talk program, “The Al Franken Show,” in which he will address current news alongside a range of comedic and political guests. What do you think?

Tanisha Medrano, Cat Kenneler

“I don’t know if I’m ready to be peripherally aware of Al Franken again.”

Tanisha Medrano, Cat Kenneler

Alexander Mercado, Factory Overseer

“Great! I’m always looking for something new to listen to in a rental car with unfamiliar presets.”

Alexander Mercado, Factory Overseer

Ian Person, Spice Purveyor

“This is the kind of unlikely comeback story you absolutely knew was coming.”

Ian Person, Spice Purveyor