Botox Criticized For New Ad Campaign Targeting Millie Bobby Brown

LOS ANGELES— In response to a multi-platform blitz including TV, online, print, and radio advertisements, cosmetic-injection giant Botox was forced to apologize Wednesday for their recent ad campaign specifically targeting 15-year-old actress Millie Bobby Brown. “Botox and the entire Allergan family sincerely express their regrets over our ill-advised ‘Millie: Not Getting Any Younger’ campaign, and wholeheartedly admit that, after conferring with concerned consumers including many of Millie’s fans, we now see that it was inappropriate,” company spokesperson Brenton Saunders said of the $1.3 million campaign that included spreads in Cosmopolitan, Elle, Vogue, Marie Claire, and dozens of billboards—all in a 7-mile radius of the teen’s residence—depicting a marked-up image of potential problem areas on Brown’s face, implying that her career could really take off if she got some work done. “We see now how these ads could be seen as perpetuating a culture of beauty that preys on the insecurities of young women, which is patently unhealthy, regardless of how much they could stand to even out some of those laugh lines. At any rate, we believe Ms. Brown is beautiful just the way she is and will be so for at least the next five years, give or take.” In an attempt to make amends, Botox launched a new campaign set to run on public transportation, newspapers, and internet banner ads, framed around the tagline ‘Millie, We’ll Be Here When You Need Us.’