Grandma’s #MeToo Stories Fucking Horrifying

TULSA, OK—Visibly upset by the lengthy conversation with her paternal grandmother, bistro manager Allison Boyer, 24, admitted Monday that her grandmother’s #MeToo stories of daily life as a single woman in the 1950s and ’60s were “fucking horrifying.” “All I did was ask her about what her life was like before she met Grandpa when she was working as a typist for a fertilizer factory manager. I didn’t start out to ask her about sexual harassment, but Jesus Christ—she just matter-of-fact told me some stuff that scared the shit out of me,” said Boyer, explaining that she was sickened to learn that a male coworker lifting up a woman’s skirt, a boss forcefully kissing a female employee at a holiday party, or a total stranger pinching a fellow restaurant patron’s rear end was a disturbingly regular occurrence during what 84-year-old Gwendolyn Boyer described, with obvious nostalgia, as her “heyday.” “Grandma rattled off a list of stuff that happened either to her or someone she knew, things we’d call stalking, intimidation, and full-on assault. Just the comments men would make on a woman’s appearance, comments that were considered ‘normal’ at the time, were jaw-droppingly horrendous.” Upon learning that her grandmother had said “no” to her grandfather five times before finally agreeing to go out with him, Boyer considered the possibility that her grandmother does not realize she is in fact telling #MeToo stories.