
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Says She Has ‘5 More Years’ On Supreme Court

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told reporters that she believes she will serve “at least five more years” on the Supreme Court, providing hope to liberal supporters wary of the Court’s rightward shift. What do you think?

Gregoria Baltz • Santeria Enthusiast

“It’s appreciated, but a two-we

Gregoria Baltz • Santeria Enthusiast

Samuel Withers • Créche Architect

“Yeah, I’ve told a lot of employers I’d still be there in five years, too.”

Samuel Withers • Créche Architect

Tad Reiley • Alcohol Futurist

“It’s probably too late to change careers at this point anyways.”

Tad Reiley • Alcohol Futurist