
Superfoods: Myth Vs. Fact

Though the media often heralds certain foods as cancer-fighting or immune-building, many of these claims don’t hold up to scientific scrutiny. The Onion separates the myths from the facts regarding so-called superfoods

MYTH: Kale is a delicious way to meet your body’s iron needs

FACT: Kale is a way to meet your body’s iron needs

MYTH: Brussels sprouts contain several compounds that detoxify the body

FACT: No naturally occurring substance stands a chance against the carcinogens consumed by the average American

MYTH: Flaxseed is loaded with plant omega-3s and may prevent some cancers

FACT: You are unfortunately required to eat the flaxseed to reap these benefits

MYTH: Adding acai berries to your morning smoothie provides a huge antioxidant kick

FACT: Chances are, if “your morning smoothie” is a recognizable part of your routine, everything’s going to turn out just fine in your life anyway

MYTH: Walnuts are packed with alpha-linolenic acid, which aids memory retention

FACT: Walnuts are $10.44 per pound

MYTH: The quercetin in apples is linked to a reduction in lung cancer risk

FACT: Apples are, in fact, too boring to qualify as a superfood

MYTH: The anti-inflammatory properties of cilantro help treat urinary tract infections

FACT: Forty-four million people in this country lack adequate health insurance

MYTH: Leafy greens add beneficial doses of vitamins A, C, and K to every meal, as well as being loaded with folate, potassium, and calcium

FACT: This isn’t to discount other greens, such as celery. Celery is still pretty good, okay? We all do our part. It’s not a race.