
Horoscope for the week of February 19, 1997

After 10 years of friendship with your neighbors, you suddenly realize this week that their heads would look much better mounted on posts outside your home.

You’ll go through a cranky phase this week, but by the weekend you’ll be relaxed and cheered up, thanks to a loving hug from best-selling author James Michener.

You will start the week super-charged after a severed power line falls through your bathroom window and sends ball lightning into your shower.

Though you usually see eye-to-eye with your boss, he finally confronts you about your spending thousands of the company’s dollars on his wife’s 900 number.

The pain of becoming a widow for the third time is eased somewhat when you purchase a car horn that plays the theme from

Not even the grave will offer you peace after your relatives choose your epitaph from among their favorite beer slogans.

Your fame rises to such heights that your entire body is pressed permanently into the concrete sidewalk outside Mann’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.

The stars indicate that you need to become a more sensitive person. Try sandpapering your eyeballs.

You will inspire many jokes after losing $500 to Helen Keller in a craps game.

You will be talked out of suicide by a crowd of relatives and friends who have learned how easy it is to swindle money from you.

You melt away 50 pounds by taking a job cleaning up at a funeral parlor. Unfortunately, you also develop a bad habit of snacking on leftover bits of human flesh.

A bargain struck with a small-time demon will result in your playing a high-stakes game of Skee-Ball this week for possession of your immortal soul.