The Case For And Against Letting Children Play Video Games

Video games are often cited as a cause of violence or detachment in children. Here are the cases for and against allowing children to play video games:


Develops high-level thumb coordination needed to compete in today’s global economy

Avatar capable of running 50 yards without wheezing an excellent role model

Paying $14.99 for a DLC package with three measly new maps quickly teaches the value of a dollar

Never too early to get kids thinking about their post-apocalyptic future

Evidence suggests that video games slow the aging process among the 18-to-34 male demographic

Instills a valuable sense of caution around turtles

Deck already pretty stacked in favor of an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle as it is


Plugging in system carries very real electrocution risk

Way too many species of Pokémon at this point for a kid to jump in cold

Golden age of television isn’t going to watch itself

Can increase violent tendencies depending on how recently game was autosaved

Completing games may lead children to believe that life’s problems are similarly solvable

Only matter of time before child overtakes your high score

Blurring of fantasy and reality best left to organized religion