
A Primer On Pope Francis’ Views

Pope Francis has garnered much international attention in the first two and a half years of his papacy, taking a more liberal approach to women’s issues, the family unit, and the environment than his predecessors. Here is a primer on prominent global issues and the pope’s views on them:

Contraception: Goes against God’s plan for global population crisis

Climate Change: Opposes just as strongly as most other forms of change

Women Priests: Nope

Child Abuse: Must be eradicated entirely from church’s list of PR issues

Divorce: Tacit acknowledgment that perhaps not all differences are completely and beautifully reconciled by reciting the Nicene Creed

God: Generally in favor of

Wealth Inequality: Prays with only the least jewel-encrusted rosaries when visiting the poor

Birds: Fucking loves birds

Child Labor: Very helpful during mass

Homosexuality: Famously quipped, “Who am I to judge?” when asked about his views, before adding, “Oh, right, the pope”