Candidate Profile: Bobby Jindal

Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal declared Wednesday his candidacy for the 2016 presidential nomination, although the Rhodes Scholar and one-time Republican rising star faces difficult odds in a jam-packed primary field. Here’s what you need to know about Jindal:

Previous Occupation: LSU Tigers DE Coach/Asst. Defensive Coordinator (2003-2005)

Platform: To bring coastal wetlands restoration program he implemented in Louisiana to rest of country

Current Approval Rating: Nowhere to go but up

Education: Pretty impressive for a man who questions evolution

Career Accomplishments: Has for years dutifully served the people of a state he desperately wants to abandon

Biggest Strengths: Somehow least electable Catholic candidate in field that also includes Rick Santorum; as a child of immigrants, understands what it takes to keep them out of country; candidate best able to connect with Indian Americans who make up 65 percent of Republican primary voters

Foreign Policy Experience: Has already been publicly discredited by David Cameron and other European leaders

What Sets Him Apart: Brings diversity to bottom third of GOP candidate polls

Days He Has Left As Young Political Hotshot: 29

Will Most Likely Be Remembered For: Endorsing Jeb Bush after Iowa caucus