
The Sinking Of The Titanic: 100 Years Later

Last week marked the centennial of the historic sinking of the Titanic on its maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York. Here’s how the anniversary was commemorated:

The iceberg that sank the Titanic inducted into the International Iceberg Hall of Fame

1,000,000 people joined hands by the Southampton dock and pictured Kate Winslet naked

British newspapers honored the anniversary by breaking out their seldom-used 100-point headline font

Carnival Cruise Lines flashmob where passengers dressed in period costumes and fought over lifeboats

Day trips to the middle of the Atlantic to watch whatever ships happened to be sinking

Riverboat casinos offered guests $50 in free chips in exchange for going whole day without saying “sinking” or “Titanic

The Anti-Iceberg League sponsored its annual Melt-a-Thon, encouraging everyone around the world to burn as much fossil fuel as possible

Watched that movie…what was it called?…the ship going down…right, Poseidon Adventure

Little get-together on a houseboat