
Internet Against SOPA, PIPA

Last week, several websites, including Google and Wikipedia, raised awareness of the prohibitive measures included in the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA). Here are some of the legislation’s controversial provisions:

Music review sites can only allude to a song’s title and content in vague terms

All pirated material available only at the Commerce Department’s new site, Torrent.gov

Government will actively encourage people to download only public-domain music, such as Pipey Lester’s “That Cat’s a-Mewing!” or Ukulele Ted’s “Nickel For Your Hat”

Denies future generations the ability to watch hilarious scene from Dirty Work where Chris Farley yells at the Asian hooker anytime, free of charge, which is a fundamental right of being an American

Does absolutely nothing to get rid of goddamn Lolcats

Makes the MPAA and RIAA feel better, which, if you have any shred of a soul, causes pure rage to swell through your very being

Any person suspected of Photoshopping bill sponsor Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) in an unflattering manner shall be subject to a minimum sentence of two months in prison; sentence will be increased by an additional two months if MS Paint is used

No longer legal to steal Ryan Gosling’s credit card information