Sports Commentator Trophies

John Madden’s Thanksgiving tradition of awarding turkey legs to the day’s top players has inspired other sportscasters to hand out honors of their own. Here are some of the more notable commentator-awarded trophies:

Howie Long’s “Iron Man Award” is a yearly tradition of Long recognizing Frederique, the man who presses and tailors his suits, on national television

Stuart Scott’s “Name-Drop Award” honors the athlete Stuart Scott most wants to meet, so Scott can say he knows him personally and then look cooler for it

Dick Vitale’s “Awesome Baby Award” goes to the most awesome baby fathered by a college basketball player

Actually, John Madden’s “Turkey Leg” was not so much an award as the most transparent ploy in television history for a fat man to stuff his face with greasy animal flesh

Tim McCarver’s “Broadcast-Booth Trophy” goes to the baseball player with the easiest name to remember and pronounce

Jon Gruden’s “This Guy! Awards” are given each Sunday to “This guy! This guy right here! Look what he’s doing—not just anyone could do that! Aw, you just GOT to love it!” Former recipients include most people Gruden has ever met

Joe Buck’s “One More Week Award” is a big glass of brandy and a bowl of pecans he awards himself every Sunday after getting through another week alongside Troy Aikman

Cris Collinsworth awards the “Collinsworthys” every week to the player who most reminds him of himself; Wes Welker has thus far been the sole recipient