World Baseball Classic Team-By-Team Breakdown

Australia: The team seems pretty well-rounded since mysterious documents turned up proving that David Wright, Frank Thomas, and Hanley Ramirez are all native Aussies

China: Too busy attempting to put their uniforms on Chinese Taipei players to be an actual threat

Cuba: While this Caribbean nation is flush with talented baseball players, most of them have disappeared through a hole in the right field wall

Dominican Republic: With 90 percent of Major League Baseball on its roster, the only thing holding this team back is fitting everyone into the dugout

Netherlands: A team to look out for, because in Amsterdam’s famous Red Light Stadium, anything goes

Panama: This fairly talented team would be more prepared for the competition if Panama were large enough to contain both an infield and an outfield

United States: There is a lot of pressure on this talented roster to perform well, and if they don’t, no one will care