I'm Totally Psyched About This Abortion!

I know, I know, I’ve heard all the arguments: Abortion stops a beating heart. It’s a child, not a choice. Every life is precious. Well, I don’t care what the pro-lifers say… I am totally psyched for this abortion!

Like I said, my decision to terminate my pregnancy isn’t for lack of hearing the opposing view. I’m exposed to pro-life messages all the time—on billboards, in magazines and on television. And I certainly didn’t miss that angry crowd of picketers shouting at me as I was happily skipping to the women’s health clinic to make the appointment for my big day. Those pro-life activists made it pretty clear that, unlike me, they actually think abortion is bad and to be avoided. Are they nuts? Abortion is the best!

As I pushed my way through the crowd, one of the picketers yelled, “How could you do this? How could you kill a child?” What? It’s more like, “How could I wait this long?” It wasn’t until now that I was lucky enough to be pregnant with a child I had no means to support. I tell you, for a long time, I thought it would never happen to me!

So, to all of you pro-lifers who are trying to rain on my parade, keep it to yourself, because I don’t have the time for that kind of negativity. I’ve got an abortion to plan, and I just know it’s going to be the best non-anesthetized invasive uterine surgery ever!

The funny thing is, I actually have the pro-life movement to thank for this opportunity. If my HMO wouldn’t have bowed to their pressure not to cover oral contraceptives, I never would’ve gotten pregnant in the first place. Then what would I be doing a week from Thursday? I’ll tell you what I wouldn’t be doing: going to an awesome abortion clinic where I’ll be the center of attention from the minute I put my feet up in those stirrups. I wouldn’t be looking forward to induced dilation of my cervical opening and suctioning of my uterus, either. And I sure as heck wouldn’t get the chance to have a doctor insert a metal instrument into my womb to dislodge tissue from my uterine wall!

I seriously cannot wait for all the hemorrhaging and the uterine contractions. This abortion is going to be so amazing. I’m definitely taking lots of pictures so I can remember every last detail of the whole experience for years to come and share my great memories with all of my friends, family and co-workers. What an easy decision this was!

I realize there are people who will criticize me, calling me selfish and immature because I took “the easy way out.” I realize there are those who will condemn me to hell for what I’m about to do. Well, I don’t care what they say: It’s worth it for all the fun and laughs I’m going to have at the clinic. So listen up, world: I’m pro-abortion… and I love it! See you at my post-abortion party, everybody!