A Look Back At The Obama Administration: A Well-Obstructed Machine

Department Of Needing Transportation: ’Anyone Heading To Tucson This Weekend?’
Department Of Needing Transportation: ’Anyone Heading To Tucson This Weekend?’
Panicked Agriculture Secretary Momentarily Forgets What Corn Is
Panicked Agriculture Secretary Momentarily Forgets What Corn Is
Department Of Health And Human Services Recommends Standing At Least Once A Day
Department Of Health And Human Services Recommends Standing At Least Once A Day
Department Of Labor Spends $40 Billion To Create One Amazing New Job
Department Of Labor Spends $40 Billion To Create One Amazing New Job
Secretary Of Agriculture Attends Diplomatic Meeting With Foreign Cabbage
Secretary Of Agriculture Attends Diplomatic Meeting With Foreign Cabbage
Dry Humping An Adequate Sex Alternative For Teens, Says Weird, Unsolicited Report From Department Of Interior
Dry Humping An Adequate Sex Alternative For Teens, Says Weird, Unsolicited Report From Department Of Interior
Secretary Of Transportation Flips Out On Pothole In Baltimore
Secretary Of Transportation Flips Out On Pothole In Baltimore
Shrieking Vilsack Wakes From Nightmare About Being Buried Alive By Giant Ear Of Corn
Shrieking Vilsack Wakes From Nightmare About Being Buried Alive By Giant Ear Of Corn
Secretary Of Interior Decks Smart-Ass Buffalo
Secretary Of Interior Decks Smart-Ass Buffalo
Secretary Of Transportation Spends 3 Hours Cleaning Up Wikipedia Page On Roundabouts
Secretary Of Transportation Spends 3 Hours Cleaning Up Wikipedia Page On Roundabouts
Secretary Of Education Forced To Take Up Stripping To Put Nation Through School
Secretary Of Education Forced To Take Up Stripping To Put Nation Through School
Hungover Energy Secretary Wakes Up Next To Solar Panel
Hungover Energy Secretary Wakes Up Next To Solar Panel
Secretary Of Interior Takes Presidential Oath Of Office
Secretary Of Interior Takes Presidential Oath Of Office
Secretary Of Interior Says Knocking Down Rocky Mountains Could Really Open Nation Up
Secretary Of Interior Says Knocking Down Rocky Mountains Could Really Open Nation Up
Vacationing Secretary Of Homeland Security Asks Neighbor To Keep Eye On Nation Over Weekend
Vacationing Secretary Of Homeland Security Asks Neighbor To Keep Eye On Nation Over Weekend
Labor Secretary Horrified To Learn Some Americans Working Jobs They Do Not Truly Enjoy
Labor Secretary Horrified To Learn Some Americans Working Jobs They Do Not Truly Enjoy
Arne Duncan Spends Visit To Local Elementary School Looking At UFO Books In Library
Arne Duncan Spends Visit To Local Elementary School Looking At UFO Books In Library
‘What If No One Travels Anywhere Ever Again?’ Wonders Panicked Transportation Secretary
‘What If No One Travels Anywhere Ever Again?’ Wonders Panicked Transportation Secretary
Encouraging U.S. Department Of Labor Reminds Job Seekers About All The Dumbfucks Out There
Encouraging U.S. Department Of Labor Reminds Job Seekers About All The Dumbfucks Out There
Vilsack Stays Up All Night With Sick Corn Plant
Vilsack Stays Up All Night With Sick Corn Plant
Commerce Secretary Urges Nation To Get In On Piece Of The Action
Commerce Secretary Urges Nation To Get In On Piece Of The Action
Vilsack Reprimanded For Spending Work Hours Writing Corn Blog
Vilsack Reprimanded For Spending Work Hours Writing Corn Blog
Secretary Of Labor Assures Nation There Still Plenty Of Jobs For Americans Willing To Outwork Robots
Secretary Of Labor Assures Nation There Still Plenty Of Jobs For Americans Willing To Outwork Robots
Department Of Education Hires Art Teacher To Spread Evenly Across All U.S. Public Schools
Department Of Education Hires Art Teacher To Spread Evenly Across All U.S. Public Schools
Labor Secretary Letting 8 Million Unemployed Americans Crash At His Place Until They Get Back On Their Feet
Labor Secretary Letting 8 Million Unemployed Americans Crash At His Place Until They Get Back On Their Feet
Secretary Of Treasury Announces Plan To Remove Gross Penny From Circulation
Secretary Of Treasury Announces Plan To Remove Gross Penny From Circulation
‘There Is Beauty In Decay,’ Says Head Of Federal Highway Administration While Surveying Nation’s Crumbling Roads
‘There Is Beauty In Decay,’ Says Head Of Federal Highway Administration While Surveying Nation’s Crumbling Roads
Secretary Of Interior Unveils Plans For New High-Speed Creek
Secretary Of Interior Unveils Plans For New High-Speed Creek
Secretary Of The Interior Meekly Asks If There Anything She Can Do To Help Stop ISIS
Secretary Of The Interior Meekly Asks If There Anything She Can Do To Help Stop ISIS
White House Press Secretary Responds To Question About Rising Obamacare Premiums With Torrent Of Toxic Spray From Parotid Glands
White House Press Secretary Responds To Question About Rising Obamacare Premiums With Torrent Of Toxic Spray From Parotid Glands