Report: Only 893,000 News Stories To Go Until 2016 Election Over

WASHINGTON—According to a report published Wednesday by analysts at the Pew Research Center, there are only 893,000 news articles, feature stories, and opinion pieces to go until the 2016 presidential election is behind us. “Based on our projections, the end of this election cycle is just under 900,000 articles away, or barely 800,000 if you don’t include editorials from publications’ editorial boards,” said lead researcher Ken Dunham, who noted that citizens could expect 400,000 more articles from the campaign trail, 135,000 more analyses of poll results, 51,000 more debate recaps, 94,000 more side-by-side comparisons of candidates’ positions, and 88,000 more thinkpieces delving into a candidate’s behind-the-scenes personality, after which the election would be a thing of the past. “We determined that, as of right now, the average American simply has to make it through 3,400 more graphs showing various demographics’ voting preferences, read or hear the word ‘delegate’ approximately 1.7 million more times, and see roughly 168,000 additional photos of a candidate standing behind a lectern before the whole process is wrapped up. Then that’s it.” At press time, researchers had updated the report, noting that the predictions only took into account news stories that would be published during the remainder of the primaries.